Fire Emblem Fates Characters
50 rows Social media: Get in touch with Fire Emblem Wiki on Twitter, Facebook, or Discord! Jan 17, 2019 Fire Emblem has like a million characters, but which ones are the actual best? No bias, no personal experience, just the top of a tier list if you were to make one across all Fire Emblem games.
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Fire Emblem: Fates is without a doubt my favorite game of 2016 (so far, I guess). Its main campaign, that had to be split in two versions and the perfect gameplay were two main reasons!However the characters of the game were absolutely fantastic as well! That's why I decided to create a list of the ten best characters in Fire Emblem: Fates!
The Top Ten Best Fire Emblem: Fates Characters
1TakumiHe is the only video game character I have a crush on and I can relate to him a lot.
Takumi is so cool. I can relate to him very well. I also love his character design. I like his pineapple hair.
Takumi was such a good and developed character. I love how he didn't love your Avatar like the other siblings did because it seems more realistic to be more skeptical about someone you don't know raised in the enemy country for so long. He is so human with his constant worry and his belittlement of himself (that makes me sad because I love him so, so much).
He had made Conquest all the more painful to play because he really wanted to bond with you, but just couldn't express and ended up the way he did in the end. Protect this cinnamon roll/
Use in the game, A+ because he crits so much (at least for me). Also his son is great too to be honest. - JojoBean
Takumi is my favorite character without a doubt. I love his personality, and his design. I litarlly wouldn't play conquest because you have to fight Takumi. It would make me cry too much. (please excuse my spelling errors)
2CamillaI liked that last part you said about Camilla, CastlevaniaFanboy128. It's official. Fire Emblem is a guilty pleasure and a great video game series. And Camilla has quite a unique personality and is pretty intimidating. Other than that, I love her. - ModernSpongeBobSucks
Good character, but her fandom is rude, perverted, whiners, and immature horny boys. You thought Rosalina's or Tifa's fans are that way
Camilla is sweet, tough, and funny. She's a great combination of these characteristics, making her lovable.
3ArthurBeware his fists of Justice! Normally most Fighters are actually some standard characters.. EXCEPT Arthur, because this guy, I mean Super Hero made my Conquest run even more entertaining than it actually was!
'When will this bad luck streak end? '
This Character Is A T.V. Show
4RyomaAwesome character, and his weapon is so powerful!
As a Fire Emblem fan, I have always liked the characters that are strong leaders and have one of the sacred blades. He is very cool and instantly became my favorite FE character after chapter 25 in the Conquest route.
He's very dependable as a unit, and very cool as a character. - jatboy
A huge bad-ass. Dare I say more?
5XanderBest character with a good backstory only perry support is bad
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Best character. His supports with Camilla, Corrin, and Leo are endearing and his character is simultaneously tragic and amazing.
Should be higher - yunafreya648
Siegfried 2 OP. enough said
6LeoLeo is the best character in the game, from his charming features and his legit personality, so far, playing all the routes as far as revelation, ha also appears to be the basic (I mean if you don't use any master, heart seals and etc. On any of your characters) strongest of them all.
Leo, the one and only true lover for Takumi!
This is kind of wrong, but my character married him in Conquest. I like his character, but I don't really know why I did that
Well, they aren't actually related. So it's okay. But Takumi and Ryoma on the other hand.. - Transformers234
He's similar to a traditional Fire Emblem lord. It's interesting, and it works extremely well.
7KazeHe has Midori, the most moe daughter in all of recorded history! That is why Kaze must be protected at ALL COSTS!
A loyal and cool Ninja. What else?
Kaze is a monster in a fight
Kaze Is My Favourite Character in Fates. He is the Number One Waifu! I mean just LOOK at him. He is so handsome and fast. Faster than Sonic! And the Best thing: He is Based on a Ninja!
He Is a Unit who will follow you in every Route. He Is a very friendly guy and very charming too. He has Got an insane Speed and doubles the enemy Allmost every time. His Personal Skill Is really helpfull and This Skill has saved My Other Units a plenty Times.
She's an Interesting character and has lots of depth to her. She tried to be fragile and lady like but she couldn't be a Royal guard since she was too fragile so now she's a border gaurd.
Charlotte is a BEAST in all my playthroughs! With her psychotic personality and bizekies of doom, she ends up being my favorite character!
9AzuraBest in my opinion
Her song (Lost In Thoughts) is the best!
And fellow players and fans,
You are the oceans grey waves-
I really like Azura. I feel that people don't give her credit where it's due. She's certainly not perfect, but I like her.
Azura is the best! She is cute, useful in battle and both her light and dark dances are incredible!
Azura is the best
10FeliciaHer personality is great, it suits her very well and spectacular mage killer
Cutest maid that deserves to marry a prince - or a king
We've got trouble
Best Girl
The Contenders
11EliseHow can you dislike Elise? Also I hate this list because Takumi is no. 1 and I hate Takumi. Elise should be 1, Camilla 2 and Takumi in the dungeon.
She is a top-tier character in the game and is just so good at being a defender against all kinds of crap during that conquest run I just can't deny her becoming one of my strongest units.
Umm she's Elise her retainers are Arthur and Effie who are really good I mean you should always use Elise whenever possible because she is very useful for healing and support and she is very cute! Also very selfless she loves her ONII CHAN! As well as makes friends vey easily as seen in the revelations ending.
13PeriFinally, Peri isn't being crapped on, I like that.
Oh, yeah, why is she my favorite? Simple, great unit and great character.
Oh, and best girl.
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She's amazing in battle and gets stronger as she kills
best waifu
15SilasHe's your best friend that you never knew you had!
Silas is so super sweet and adorable
17Effie'Not.. Strong enough..'
18CorrinCorrin is a very awesome character who had to make one of the hardest decisions in any of the games I've played. They deserve lots of respect for being so brave, compassionate, and kind.
This is your avatar, so if this is at number 20 does that mean that you like 19 more people than your self? Shouldn't Corrin at least be in top 10?
Corrin is bae
Why is this 27?
19NilesHonestly, who doesn't like the extremely seductive homosexual outlaw.
20SoleilI paired Laslow with Azura, and promoted Soleil to a great lord. I noticed she has great growth rates for speed, luck, and strength, and she does critical over half the time, so I gave her the Killer Sword. Basically, if I want an enemy unit dead, I just send in Soleil, and most likely she will kill them. Since she is a great lord, she doesn't have a level cap (as far as I know; she's level 32 without any eternal seals, and I'm at Conquest Endgame). Also, I agree, she's definitely the coolest character in the army. I gave her the accessory shop sunglasses and the white bow, and she's always super cheery when she goes into a fight, which is encouraging.
Soleil is a gay sweetheart and I love her so very much
A lesbian icon
Honestly the cutest girl next to her main squeeze Ophelia. My Soleil is a Laslow/Selena one and a level 20 Great Lord, phenomenal Strength Speed and Luck with decent HP to boot, she's always in my party for any excursion, couldn't leave without her.
21SelkiePlayful attitude something that just makes you forget some of the bad thing wait does this make me a furry?
I love Selkie, she is just so adorable. Out of all the Birthright's definitely my favorite. - taishisohma
22KadenIt's about time they added a kitsune/spirit fox in the series. (Sorry, huge fox fan here) Plus, he is awesome.
24LaslowDang Laslow is just so sweet and his English voice is what first got my attention. He's so cute WHAT A BABE
He's just really awesome
25SelenaI married her in Conquest and I did not Regret it - Mattblue66
27SakuraShe's my wife in the game
Cinnamon roll. I agree.
Wait, why is she so low?! is this even possible?
I love Sakura
I got caught in a trap again..
Setsuna is my spirit animal.
30RinkahSeverely underrated, give her a good weapon she destroys. And she is a tsundere! but I swear to god if you make her anything BUT an oni chieftain she SUCKS
31FloraI had the HARDEST time between choosing Felicia and Flora in the game, but I had to go with Flora because her confession is just so adorable - taishisohma
32SaizoHe's a really badass character! If u use him a lot in battle he can be incredibly helpful! He saved my butt from being beaten countless times! And he can be upgraded to some really good classes!
I really LOVE Saizo for his attack skills and for being a handsome bad boy.. strange fangirl alert!
Bad news
33DwyerHe funny and isn't that bad of a character.
His support conversations always leave me smiling.
34BerukaI always preferred the stoic characters to all other character personality tropes in Japanese media, whether it be Anime, RPGs, Manga, Visual Novels, you name it. Many may consider them to be kinda boring or just overshadowed by the over-the-top personalities that share the titles with them, especially in a relationship-driven story, these characters in my opinion are the most satisfying and sometimes the cutest relationships you can watch in these genres. Think of a character like Nagato Yuki from 'The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya'. She's easily the most complex and interesting character in that series and especially in the movie. She even got her own spin-off show which wasn't THAT great, but she was still the best character in that show as well.
Back on the subject of Beruka, she's not nearly as complex as Nagato, simply because she just doesn't have as many moments in the story as most of the others, her support conversations, especially with the main character, are the ..more
Beruka is badass and really powerful
Awesome character because of her design and personality
And when you promote her as a Dread fighter she can be unstoppable.
Capable of learning any obtainable skill the Avatar should already be in your top 5 but with customization boon and banes you can predetermine how you will be using your custom character making it one of the best units as it can be used for any play style. With the stat boosts of the Yato the Avatar is able to beat any fodder enemies with ease and the class exclusive skills dragon fang and dragonic hex are two of the best skills in the game as on has a high trigger rate and the other lowers all of the enemies stats by 6 after combat. Outside of Combat the Avatar is able to support any unit and in these support conversations will almost always help people with a trouble from their past or something they have been struggling with in the present. Corrin has got to be one of my favorite characters if only for the reason that he is me.
Male Corrine looks like he's a drunk hobo but it's about character here, and Corrin nails that. Though I hate fates I still love Corrin
The avatar character, if you do your boones/banes right, is potentially and quite handily the best character of the game. (S)he can even be a better swordmaster than Rutger, which is inconceivable! Plus, it doesn't hurt that I get to be the hero! - shawnwalker
38Asugihe cute
39KeatonKeaton is a beast (literally and figuratively). He can heal almost half his health every second turn, he does tons of damage, and he's a WEREWOLF! What's not to love? (Apart from his collection of ripped stuffed animals).
How can you not like her? She is a badass stuck in a children's body.. and her magic is incredibly strong!
43GunterGunter is the penguin that most commonly accompanies the Ice King in the animated TV series, Adventure Time and a major recurring antagonist of the series.This is just my personal favourite
Gunter is the best sugga daddy in all of Fire Emblem!
45AsunaBest fire emblem

She is very good!
Hinoka is a great character! She's really strong if you play her right and she's got a great backstory! - komodoline
He isn't in fates - IHateOnions
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