

Asbestos on Destroyers. Fact Checked. Unlike other Navy vessels with direct predecessors, the destroyer is a unique ship class developed to counter a new threat. Germany destroyers; Type 1924 Type 1924 Jaguar Type 1924 Leopard: Type 1934 Type 1934A (1940) Type 1934A (1944) Type 1936 Type 1936 Type 1936A (Mob) Type 1936B Z20 Karl Galster: Type 1939 Type 1939 (T22) Type 1939 (T31).


A destroyer (warship)


destroy +‎ -er


  • Rhymes: -ɔɪ.ə(r)


English Wikipedia has an article on:

destroyer (pluraldestroyers) Ashes of the singularity system requirements.

Anecdote: He was in tears when he saw the game recreated in Sonic Allstars Transformed.Rieko Kodama, Producer (7th Dragon)Hirotaka Kanezawa, Artist (Art on all VC games, 7th Dragon III Art, maybe VC4 or the new Virtual On)That doesn't really mean anything. Skies of arcadia remastered. They are at Sega, but they do indeed work seperatly.Shuntaro Tanka, Director (PSO2, Yakuza Online I think).

  1. That which destroys something.
  2. (military) A small, fast warship with light armament, smaller than a cruiser, but bigger than a frigate.


  • (one who destroys):devastator, decimator

Derived terms[edit]


  • Arabic: مُدَمِّرm(mudammir)
  • Catalan: destructor(ca)m
  • Czech: ničitel(cs)m
  • Finnish: tuhooja(fi)
  • French: destructeur(fr)m
  • Georgian: გამანადგურებელი(gamanadgurebeli), გამნადგურებელი(gamnadgurebeli), დამანგრეველი(damangreveli)
  • German: Zerstörer(de)m
  • Greek:
    Ancient: ὀλοθρευτήςm(olothreutḗs), δηλητήρm(dēlētḗr)
  • Hebrew: הורס(Horas)
  • Hungarian: romboló(hu), pusztító(hu), leromboló, elpusztító
  • Indonesian: perusak(id)
  • Irish: argthóirm, díothóirm, íditheoirm, loitiméirm, malartach, millteachm, millteoirm, scriostóirm
  • Italian: distruttore(it)m
  • Japanese: 破壊者(はかいしゃ, hakaisha)
  • Latin: dēlētor(la)m, dēlētrix(la)f
  • Malay: pembinasa, perosak
  • Norwegian:
    Nynorsk: øydarm, øydeleggjarm
  • Polish: niszczyciel(pl)m
  • Portuguese: destruidor(pt)m
  • Russian: разруши́тель(ru)m(razrušítelʹ), уничтожи́тель(ru)m(uničtožítelʹ), истреби́тель(ru)m(istrebítelʹ)
  • Sanskrit: दर्मन्(sa)m(darman)
  • Spanish: destructor(es), (obsolete)destruidor
  • Sumerian: 𒄢(/gul/)
  • Armenian: ականակիր(hy)(akanakir)
  • Catalan: destructor(ca)m
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 驱逐舰(zh)(qu1-zhu2-jian4)
    Min Nan: 驱逐舰(khu1-tiok4-lam8)
  • Czech: torpédoborec(cs)m
  • Esperanto: destrojero
  • Finnish: hävittäjä(fi)
  • French: destroyer(fr)m(France), contre-torpilleur(fr)m(Canada)
  • Georgian: საესკადრო ნაღმოსანი(saesḳadro naɣmosani), გამანადგურებელი(gamanadgurebeli)
  • German: Zerstörer(de)m
  • Greek: αντιτορπιλικό(el)n(antitorpilikó)
  • Hebrew: משחתת(he)f(mashkhetet)
  • Hungarian: romboló(hu), rombolóhajó, torpedóromboló, torpedónaszád-romboló
  • Italian: cacciatorpediniere(it)m
  • Japanese: 駆逐艦(ja)(くちくかん, kuchikukan)
  • Malay: kapal pembinasa
  • Polish: niszczyciel(pl)m
  • Portuguese: contratorpedeiro(pt)m
  • Russian: эска́дренный миноно́сец(ru)m(eskádrennyj minonósec), эсми́нец(ru)m(esmínec)
  • Spanish: destructor(es)m
  • Swedish: jagare(sv)c


  • redestroy, roystered



Borrowed from Englishdestroyer.


  • IPA(key): /dɛs.tʁɔ.jœʁ/, /dɛs.tʁwa.je/
  • Audio (Paris)


destroyerm (pluraldestroyers)

  1. (France,military)destroyer(warship)


Further reading[edit]

  • “destroyer” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).



Borrowed from Englishdestroyer.


  • Hyphenation: des‧tro‧yer


destroyer (definite accusativedestroyeri, pluraldestroyerler)


Definite accusativedestroyeri
Definite accusativedestroyeridestroyerleri
Possessive forms
1st singulardestroyerimdestroyerlerim
2nd singulardestroyerindestroyerlerin
3rd singulardestroyeridestroyerleri
1st pluraldestroyerimizdestroyerlerimiz
2nd pluraldestroyerinizdestroyerleriniz
3rd pluraldestroyerleridestroyerleri


Retrieved from 'https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=destroyer&oldid=59080950'

Destroyers care only about killing. They are forged from the molten heart of their master—Primordus, first of the Elder Dragons to rise. The dwarves forestalled his coming, but at a terrible price. They are all but gone now, and Primordus is rising to destroy all races.

In recent history, the destroyers started appearing at some time before 1078 AE, when humans first met the asura and their dwarven allies after investigating a series of earthquakes around the world. Together, the makeshift alliance of races established a base of operations in the Eye of the North and recruited more allies to the cause, including the Ebon Vanguard, a unit of Ascalonian soldiers operating behind charr front lines, and the individualistic race of hunters, the norn. Their efforts were successful, and the leader of the destroyer horde, the Great Destroyer was slain. However, this only set back the threat by few decades, as the Elder Dragon eventually awakened and rallied its minions anew, driving many races such as the asura, skritt and feral murellows to surface.

While other dragon minions are often corrupted versions of living creatures, destroyers are mindless beings created from rock and fire; they appear as mockeries of living creatures, such as trolls or harpies.[1] However, when a living being is encased by rock, its body could turn into lava, creating a corrupted creature.[2] In addition, the Destroyer Queen has created destroyers using egg-like pods, a feat previously thought impossible or at least not widely known.

Destroyers are often capable of dealing heavy damage in melee combat and are also known to make use of fire magic, and are almost always immune to burning. Sufficient application of force is enough to defeat any destroyer, after which it will break into nothing more than a pile of stone and ashes.

Spoiler alert: The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Living World Season 3.
Since Primordus moved to the Ring of Fire Islands, the Destroyers found at Ember Bay are different: they still apply burning and retain their base model, but instead of Red, they are dominantly green and black, aswell as having tentacles. They are capable of inflicting further conditions now, mostly poison. After the Death of Zhaitan and Mordremoth, Primordus absorbed remnants of their magic that broke free and augmented his Destroyers with this magic. On the other side, these modifications result in a new weakness of these Destroyers, taking extra damage when they are affected by Chilled.


See also: Category:Destroyers


Concept art


  • Destroyer foes found in game are generally melee fighters, with some varieties possessing some abilities akin to fire magic area of effect spells. Burning is most commonly caused condition used by destroyers which they are also resistant to.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Stéphane Lo Presti and Jeff Grubb, Guild Wars 2 Guru; links broke - image of posts: [1][2][3][4]
  2. ^Interview with Jeff Grubb, Ree Soesbee and Scott McGough, GuildMag.com

Primordus(Destroyers) • Jormag(Icebrood) • Zhaitan(Risen)
'Deep sea dragon' • Kralkatorrik(Branded) • Mordremoth(Mordrem)

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