Breath Of Fire Iii Masters
Most Masters exist to teach you a couple skills in which most won't be useful. Some end game Masters can teach you some AoE that costs too much and poorly. Midnight mysteries 3 devil on the mississippi walkthrough. Breath of Fire III is a traditional console role-playing game that requires the player to accomplish story-based objectives while battling enemy creatures in a number of fantasy environments.
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Welcome! This is a Let's Play for Breath of Fire III, quite possibly my favorite RPG. The fact that it was my first may or may not have anything to do with that. I started this several months ago, but had to quit for real life reasons, but now that I have time again, I'm starting it back up. And since I forgot to save the old thread, I'm starting from scratch. But I'm just looking at this as a chance to make it better.What is this game?
Breath of Fire III is the absolutely gorgeous third game in the Breath of Fire series. It's a great Playstation game and an excellent game for someone's first RPG. The games follow blue-haired protagonist named Ryu who can transform into a dragon. There is always a blond sidekick named Nina. It's a bit on the easy side, and since there's not much I don't know about this game this LP will be a little different.
Why should I care?
Because while it is a fairly simple RPG and fairly predictable for the most part, it's still pretty impressive. For instance, the art and music is astounding. This game is well-known for both. And even though the story is, for the most part, fairly boring, it still has a few great moments. At absolutely no point will we be out to save the world. And at no point does it actually happen.
So if this game is so easy and you know so much about it, won't this be boring?
I hope not. Like last time, after every boss or section of gameplay, I'll start a poll. The poll will consist of 3 questions:
Who should I put in the party?
What Masters should I use?
What is my new challenge?
The last two require explanation. The Master system I'll explain when it opens up. The challenge thing is for this LP and this alone.
After every boss or significant section of gameplay, I will ask for your opinion on a challenge to do. Anything within reason is open, and I reserve the right to veto if it's not. This challenge can be no magic, no items, anything you can think of. I've done Low Level Games, SCC's, and several others, so I'm hoping this will encourage me to be resourceful and try new things, as well as make the LP more interesting.
ONLY STIPULATION: There are two characters whose growth is already planned out. The Master paths and challenges CANNOT interfere with that. I'm leaving the growth of the other characters entirely to you. Feel free to bless me or curse me as much as you want.
And before you ask, I will be getting Beyd to 999 attack.
What are you wearing?
Probably a T-shirt, unless I'm working that day. Not a hat though. Hats suck.
Ken is our main character. Except for two small portions, he will ALWAYS be in the party. He cannot be taken out of the party, which is a good thing. He's far and away the best party member and can be molded into anything effectively. He learns a wide variety of healing and support magic, including the wildly broken Barrier spell. His ability to turn into a dragon only makes him more versatile and powerful. His special action is swinging his sword out of battle. Handy at a few points.
Rei finds Ken in the woods at the beginning of the game and takes him in to live in the bitchingest tree house of all time. He's essentially a stereotypical older brother. He looks out for Ken and Teepo, but still gets into trouble. Along with Teepo, he's a thief, and it shows in battle. He has access to Pilfer, which allows him to attack and steal an item at the same time. His main asset is his high agility and high power. He's basically the 'win' button for the first part of the game while Ken gets stronger. He can pick locks outside of battle.
Teepo is Rei's other 'little brother'. A lot more mischevious and bold than Rei, he tends to get in trouble and smart off to everyone. Basically an irritating little shit. You know that annoying friend you had as a kid? That's Teepo. I hate him. Too bad he's great in battle. An offensive machine, he has great physical stats and access to a wide variety of attack magic. Outside of battle, he can kick stuff. Because he's a little shit. Also purple hair.
Nina is the other constant in these games. There's always a Nina. And in this game, she's our main attack mage. She learns incredibly powerful elemental magic throughout the game. Her Intelligence and AP are sky high (to the point where you won't ever have to worry about her AP), and she has decent agility. However, her defense and HP are in the toilet. She's incredibly fragile. We're gonna remedy this somewhat in this playthrough, because it's worth it. She can be an absolute monster with the proper set-ups. Her special action is shooting a chrysm beam out of her wand, which is useful exactly twice in the entire game. Plot wise, she has the most clearly defined character arc in the game, and it's a pretty interesting one, too.
Momo is an engineer Ken and Nina meet while on the run from Balio and Sunder. Not much else is known about her at this point. Her knowledge of machines will make her one of the most valuable party members outside of battle, though. In battle, she's incredibly versatile. Her bazooka has huge power, which offsets her low natural strength. To put this in perspective, her weakest weapon has a strength of 50. She has the strongest weapon in the game as well. As a result, she will almost always be a front runner in the physical attack department. She also learns a wide variety of healing and support magic, and even a couple of earth attack spells. Give her some other kind of magical offense, since earth won't hit flying enemies, and she's ready for anything. Also, due to her weapons all having a weight of 1, she has the potential for high agility, especially considering she has the widest range of armor available. But on the flipside, her accuracy is the worst in the game, coming in at a low 70 (out of 100) and her defense is far from the best, although not as bad as Nina. It's really hard to end up with an unusable Momo, especially if you work to fix her accuracy issue. That's a good thing, because she's required to be in the party quite a few times. Her out of battle action is to shoot her bazooka, useful for blowing out walls n' shit.
Peco is a newborn bay mutant onion. Being an onion, he has a natural affinity for nature, and a slight weakness to fire. He can also communicate with the various Yggdrasil trees found around the world. He can't talk, but talking to him in Camp tends to show what Ken is thinking. Also being a newborn, he starts at level 1. Fortunately, he can quickly become a juggernaut. Unfortunately, that requies a couple Masters, neither of which we have access to now, but that will change after the next chunk of gameplay. And while Peco can be made into a decent mage, he's the best tank in the game. Sky high HP (it's not unusual to see him break 10 HP every level up), high defense, and high attack. He has passable AP, nothing too special but definitely enough, plus a slight HP regen at the end of every round in battle. He learns a couple healing spells, Venom and Dream Breath, as well as Firebreath and Icrebreath. An unstoppable beast all throughout the game. However, towards the end, his weapons fall further and further behind, making him less useful at then end (but still powerful). But his 50 percent counterattack rate is what we're gonna focus on. Put him in front of the Attack Formation and he'll counter every single attack that comes his way. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing. Outside of battle, he can headbutt shit, useful a few times.
Also he squeaks and it's fucking adorable so suck it
Garr is pretty awesome. Most of him is a spoiler so he's not getting a bio. He's your resident tank, as long as you don't use Peco. He takes hits like a champ and deals them out right back, as long as you don't use Peco. THAT'S his issue. He's a good character but everything he brings to the table, Peco brings harder and better. There is no reason yo use him over Peco. However, towards the end when Peco's weapons start to peter off, Garr can pull ahead. He learns a few flame spells, a couple physical attacks, and an incredibly useful insta-kill for undead enemies. So he does have his uses. I've also heard you can turn him into a decent mage, but I've never tried it myself. Maybe you guys will change that. He also has a slight flame resistance. Outside of battle, he..pushes heavy shit around.
- AP+1
- Intelligence+2
- Power-1
- Defense-1
Surprise +5 Dodge -2
- HP+2
- Power+2
- Defense+1
- AP-2
- Intelligence-3
No stat changes
- Power+1
- Agility+1
- HP-1
- AP-2
Surprise +10
Dodge +10
Accuracy +5
- AP+1
- Defense+1
- Intelligence+2
- HP-1
- Power-2
Flame resistance -1
- HP+4
- Power+1
- Defense+3
- Agility-3
- Intelligence-3
Dodge -5
- HP+4
- AP+3
- Power-1
- Defense-1
- Agility-1
- Intelligence-2
- Agility+2
- HP-1
- Power-1
- Defense-1

- AP+1
- Intelligence+1
- Power-2
- AP+4
- Intelligence+4
- Power-2
- Defense-2
- HP-3
- AP+3
- Power+1
- Agility+1
- Intelligence+3
- Defense-3
- HP+2
- Power+2
- Defense+1
- AP-2
- Agility-1
- Intelligence-1
- Critical+3
- Power+1
- Defense+1
- Intelligence+1
- HP+1
- HP-6
- AP-6
- Power+2
- Defense+2
- Agility+1
- Intelligence+2
- Flame+3
- Status+1
- Death+1
Challenges Done/Current Challenge
-One on one cage matches for the remaining boss fights!
PoliteMachineGun gives us an artists rendition of Ken's adventures in McNeil Manor
Umbilical Lotus combines two of my favorite things, 80's movies and videogames, while FFKonoko adds in the Breath of Fire touch.
Daigerus shows us the frightening combination of Peco and the Beast Spear.
Daigerus answers one of the great mysteries of the game.